Psychology Film Club - The Stanford Prison Experiment
Online / Virtual Space Virtual event at-home, Akron, Ohio 44313
Join us on Facebook Live for a discussion of Kyle Patrick Alvarez’s 2015 film The Stanford Prison Experiment. We will be discussing the film’s portrayal of Philip Zimbardo’s famous—and highly controversial—experiment. We’ll be welcoming your questions via live chat, and viewers are encouraged to watch the film prior to the event. Join in and let us know what you think of the film!
The Stanford Prison Experiment is available to stream for free on IFC Films (with subscription) and for rent or purchase through YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon Prime.
The Cummings Center is located at 73 S. College Street at the corner of College & Mill Streets. The Center remains closed until further notice due to the current health crisis. Founded in 1965, the Drs. Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings Center for the History of Psychology aims to promote the history of psychology and related human sciences to the broadest community possible. The Center is home to the National Museum of Psychology, Archives of the History of American Psychology and the Institute for Human Science.