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CAVE-ATION: HIMALAYAN SALT CAVE -How it works:Himalayan salt crystals — over 3,500 pounds of them — detoxify the air as you sit solo or with friends in a tranquil cave-like atmosphere with glowing amber lights, soothing music, a trickling waterfall and a soft salt floor. You hold salt crystals or bags to alleviate swelling and inflammation in problem areas. The 84 minerals in the salt balance and restore your body, which contains the same 84 minerals plus water. What it relieves: Arthritis, asthma, skin conditions, digestive issues, boosts immunity and more. How it feels: “It’s so calming, relaxing and fulfilling,” says Barbara Addessi-Hostetler, owner of Cave-ation at Rising Sun Holistic Choices. “You’re not breathing in pollution. You’re actually just breathing in the cleansing of the air.” 4216Hills and Dales NW, Canton, 330-265-5734, risingsunholstic.com
How it works: For whole body cryotherapy, you step into a cryosauna that uses liquid nitrogen to drop to -240 degrees for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes. The frigid air activates your body’s emergency response that rushes blood to your core to raise oxygen supply and remove toxins, activate the nervous system to release endorphins and increase anti-inflammatory proteins to repair itself. Also try cryofacials or localized cryotherapy that use a wand with pressurized liquid nitrogen to improve skin or decrease swelling. What it relieves:Skin disorders, increases metabolism (you burn 500 to 800 calories), rheumatoid arthritis, improves sleep, injury therapy, athletic recovery (LeBron James has been here) and more How it feels:“You sleep like a rock because your body is so comfortable and the inflammation is gone,” says Kim Amity-Lojek, owner of CryotherapyPlus. 87 Springside Drive, Fairlawn, 234-466-0292, cryotherapyplus.com
How it works: You float au naturel in an enclosed chamber in 10 inches of water and 1,000 pounds of Epsom salts, which make the water dense so you float. The stillness resets your brain by accessing theta brain waves, which foster deeper meditation, insight and creativity. What it relieves: Stress, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, lowers blood pressure, eases depression and anxiety, aids in addiction recovery and more. How it feels: “The water is the same temperature as your outside skin, so you don’t feel the water, you don’t hear anything, see anything, smell anything. It’s just total peace,” says Chris Haylett, owner of Zen Float Center. 9088Superior Ave., Suite 101, Streetsboro, 330-968-4376, zenfloatcenter.com
Disclaimer: For all, results vary and may take continuous treatments to set in.