When it comes to understanding style, creating trends and providing the best advice EVER, we here at akronlife turn to our friend, stylist goddess Melodie. She knows a thing or two about hair and is also an expert in the relationship department, so we’re sharing her nuggets of knowledge with you.
Dear Melodie,I want to break up with my stylist and try someone new but I’ve been going to the same person for years. I feel bad and don’t want to hurt her feelings. I also don’t want to just cancel my next appointment or not show up, just in case it doesn’t work out with the new person and I want to go back. Should I call and tell her?
Looking For a New Love
Dear Looking,
First, thank you for being considerate of your stylist’s feelings. Second, no stylist believes that your aunt’s cousin’s neighbor’s friend bought you a gift certificate to a new salon for dog sitting their Schnauzer while they were in Milan … so just go ahead and scratch that off the list.
You really don’t “need” to do anything. This is business, and though it isn’t something you may have experienced, all stylists (even the best of us) have. The odds of your stylist accosting you while you’re squeezing melons at Giant Eagle and wanting to know what happened are slim to none. We don’t like hearing awkward news any more than you like delivering it. Same thing if you decide to go back. We are genuinely just happy to see you again. We probably won’t bring it up if you don’t.
If you feel you must let the stylist know, please send a card to the salon addressed to her. Be kind and brief. Thank her for taking such good care of you over the years. Mention that you’re looking for a change right now, say that you hope to see her soon, and wish her well. That’s it.
You’ve left the door open just in case, and if you do see her in the produce aisle, you don’t have to pretend be your doppelganger that doesn’t speak English.
Happy Hair Days!
— Melodie
Dear Melodie,
Every time I go to a salon, I tell the person cutting my hair that I only want a trim but I end up with several inches gone. It takes months to grow it out again, and then we start the cycle over. What gives? What can I do to stop this from happening? I’m thinking of just not getting haircuts anymore.
So Frustrated
Dear Frustrated,
It sounds like there’s a communication problem going on. Remember that stylists aren’t like normal people (at least the ones I know — and I know a lot of us.) We’re artists, and we want our creation to look the best it can. Sometimes we forget our creations have opinions and ideas. This may sound elementary, but you need to tell us. Specifically. Show us how much you’re willing to part with. We’re visual creatures. Don’t just say “an inch”; an inch to me and an inch to you could be worlds apart.
Also, “take off the split ends” is NEVER going to be the same to you as it is to your stylist. Ask your stylist to show you how much needs to come off. If you don’t want that much off, tell him or her. (Note: You aren’t allowed to complain later that you still have split ends if your stylist says seven inches need to come off, and you stood there with your protractor marked at the ¼-inch line saying if it goes above that you’re going to leave a horse head in their bed.)
Happy Hair Days!
— Melodie
Dear Melodie,
I have some split ends but I don’t want to cut them off. Every product I buy that says it will fix them, doesn’t. What can I get that will do the job?
Stop the Splitting
Dear Splitsville,
There are a couple of different stages the hair goes through when it’s compromised. First it gets dry and brittle, next it starts to split in two. When it’s just dry or brittle, there are many products that can help. If it isn’t taken care of at this point, it will split and continue to split right up the hair shaft.
The only cure, let me repeat, the ONLY cure — once it has started splitting — is amputation. I’m sorry to deliver the bad news so abruptly but once you realize what needs to be done, do it. Don’t wait. This isn’t some underutilized body part. This is your hair!
Happy Hair Days!
— Melodie