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Photo by Talia Hodge
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Photo by Talia Hodge
About 14 years ago, Cortney Martinelli was riddled with anxiety and panic attacks. Then, she discovered reiki — a form of healing in which a practitioner channels universal life force energy to a client’s body.
“I found relief that I had never experienced,” says the owner of Shine. Now a reiki master, Martinelli has certified thousands in reiki through Shine since 2011. She opened Shine’s wellness education and retreat center in Kent in 2020. Now, it offers events, workshops and 21 certifications.
“The vision of Shine is to empower other people to take care of their own healing journey,” says Martinelli, who trademarked Embodied Reiki and Akasha Yoga. “We empower people to move their nervous system out of fight or flight and into rest and digest.”
Create a pathway for healing through Shine’s Vibe: Radically Reboot Your Life workshop Dec. 18. According to the late Bruce Tainio’s teachings, a healthy person vibrates at a frequency of 62 to 72 megahertz per second — and an unhealthy frequency, which can make you susceptible to chronic disease, is 42 megahertz per second. Raising your vibration could raise your frequency — improving your health, according to Tainio.
Raise your vibration through reiki, all levels-yoga or Akasha Yoga Nov. 3 and Dec. 1. For the latter, connect with your higher self through yoga poses, guided meditation, crystal bowls, Thai yoga massage, chanting, sacred prayers and more. To relax in nature, opt for Shinrin Yoku — the Japanese modality of forest bathing. On Nov. 23, meander Shine’s 6-acre campus, complete with a creek, walking trail and pond, as a certified guide leads you through prompts — including dipping your hands in water to explore its sensations and walking barefoot to stimulate your body and drain inflammation.
To remove trapped trauma, book a one-on-one tuning forks session. While you lie on a table, a practitioner uses tuning forks, which emit a sound frequency, to locate trauma in your biofield — our body’s electrical system and its surrounding magnetic field, according to Eileen Day McKusick.
“A tuning forks practitioner would use the forks within somebody’s biofield … to release trauma and circulate it back into the midline of the body so that it can be experienced in a healthier way,” Martinelli says.
Now filled with peace and joy, Martinelli doesn’t struggle with anxiety anymore. Through Shine, she helps others do the work to reclaim their lives too.
“You can increase your frequency and your vibration, which is essentially your happiness factor,” she says. “It requires deliberate, consistent practices.”
Gift cards available, 5190 Cline Road, Kent, 216-438-0468, shineakron.com