2030 - Revolt of the Young at Cleveland Film Fest


2030: The Revolt of the Young

And you ask “how much more narrated could it be?”

The answer is “none more narrated.”

Honestly, do you really need to narrate a film that's about a documentary that's being narrated by someone else who's also narrating about the main character's life? C'mon!

This film seemed to have little thought put into the execution - utilizing the film as a nominal vehicle to convey a heavy-handed diatribe. Another second longer and my blood vessels would have been heard breaking.

I don’t mean to be so dramatic, but, hey … ya’ gotta make an example of someone.

I have (often willingly) watched some pretty bad films … and found something enjoyable in them that I may even go back to. But, I can't imagine anyone enjoying this film. It attempts to make timely and pertinent the eventual demise of current healthcare systems, utilizing as its focus a “Millennium Baby” (Tim) born just after midnight on January 1st, 2000. Tim has been killed by police forces and his friend and fellow “Millennial” is searching for the reason why. Rather than the film being about how Tim was an irresponsible idiot and an a**hole (but only sometimes), it is somehow magically transformed into a heavy-handed diatribe on poor healthcare. Now, how we got from “A” to “B” and what they have to do with one another is beyond me. Actually, it's beyond my ability to tolerate bad cinema in order to find out.

The film gains nothing but ugly and unnecessary distraction from the use of “futuristic technology.” (And even less from its poor acting and bad screenwriting.) And you wonder: “So what is the best part of the future?”… Security cameras will still record and transmit in 2-bit depth at an astonishing 3 frames per second so everything and everyone looks like a game of Pong.

Anyway, I could probably deface this film ad infinitum. But I don't want to waste your time, my sanity or this handy futuristic ink I'm using.

If you’ve just gotta’ know how the film ends go ahead and see it. If you make it to the end with all blood vessels in tact, let me know what happens.

Otherwise, accept that this film gets and “F…minus.”

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