Rubber City Rollergirl "Thunder" talks Akron


Christy aka "Thunder" of the Rubber City Rollergirls took a few minutes to talk shop briefly with akronlife about the team and how their home town has inspired them.

Tell us a little bit about the history of the Rubber City Rollergirls.

We have been around for four whole seasons! We were founded by the fabulous Tracy Soulsby of Akron who is the president of our league. We started with just a few girls and ended up with an army of girls ready to hit, go fast and do their part to make Akron a better city!

What does Akron mean to you and the Rubber City Rollergirls?

We love Akron. It's our home city and we bout to win every month at the John S. Knight Center for our city.

What do you enjoy most about being a part of the team?

I love the speed, the rush, the hits, bruises and all of the girls on the team. We are all unique, an awesome bunch of athletes and friends. When I go up on the line to jam, I know that those four girls on that concrete track have my back and I will get through.

How has Akron influenced the Rollergirls?

Akron has influenced our team in many ways from our logo to our spirit. We are the rubber capital of the world, and we are the Rubber City Rollergirls! It goes hand in hand, right?

What can attendees expect at the signing on Saturday?

Attendees can expect to see LIVE rollergirls from their home team! Feel free to ask questions and get pictures! Whatever they want. We are happy to be there!

The Rubber City Rollergirls will be at the Best of the City celebration to sign autographs as well as meet and greet with all of those in attendance this Saturday.

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