Confidence via Cosmetic Enhancement

The concept of beauty is different to every person peering into a mirror. Standing there looking at the visage returning their gaze, each person analyzes their own imperfections. The eyebrows are sagging a little too low, making them feel they look tired. A weak chin or jaw line is out of proportion with the rest of the face. Arms have excess skin that didn’t snap back into place after weight loss. We all have features that are far from perfect. However, when those features lead to a decline in confidence or functionality in your daily life, it is time to do something about it.

There are many different types of procedures available. Some are more invasive and extensive than others, with dramatic results possible. Resources like the American Society of Plastic Surgeon’s website,, provide a wealth of information on the topic. Learn as much as you can and consult your local cosmetic professional for their advice.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Do you hate your wrinkles? This procedure—also called a laser peel, laser vaporization and lasabrasion—is meant to diminish wrinkles, scars and other imperfections on your skin. It is meant for minor flaws, like scarring from past illnesses or acne, liver spots or sun damage. Using targeted beams of light, this is precise work that removes blemished skin layer by layer.

Permanent Makeup

The idea of starting the day with your eye liner already drawn, dramatic eye shadow on your lids and full, expressive brows without the help of any powdery products is an appealing one to many women. Permanent makeup is just what it sounds like—makeup that you don’t need to worry about reapplying over and over. The procedure is called micropigmentation and involves using a small needle to place pigment in the skin.

Body Contouring

Losing weight is wonderful. However, after the pounds have been shed, excess skin can sometimes hang around. Body contouring after major weight loss is a procedure that extra fat and skin removes, improving the shape of your body. The skin sags because it lacks elasticity post weight loss. Having loose skin can be demoralizing after the triumph of riding yourself of unwanted pounds. Contouring can be done in the face, jowls, neck, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, thighs and arms. Improving the appearance of these areas not only increases confidence, but allows you to celebrate the accomplishment of weight loss.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Have you ever joked about simply moving unwanted fat to other parts of your body? Well, it’s a reality with this procedure. Fat transfer breast augmentation involves using liposuction to remove unwanted fat from one part of the body and injecting it into the breasts.

Facial Implants

In classical artwork, pleasing faces are symmetrical and balanced within the composition. For generations, facial balance has been an element of beauty. If you look into the mirror everyday and are frustrated by the shape of your chin or jawline compared to the rest of your face, this could be an option for you. Facial implants and facial balancing allows you to create balance and change the proportions of your face. The implants are created out of materials similar to human tissue. Common places for improvement with this procedure include the cheek, chin and jaw.

Ear Surgery

Protruding or misshapen ears can be an embarrassment. An otoplasty (ear surgery) alters the shape of the ears surgically. This procedure can also help those with misshapen ears from birth or an accident. By creating a more natural and aesthetically pleasing shape, the surgeon can improve not only the ears but your confidence.

Tummy Tuck

The tummy tuck surgery is a well-known procedure when it comes to cosmetic enhancement. Also known as an abdominoplasty, this surgery removes the excess fat and skin is removed from the abdominal region of the body. The results of this procedure are more than just a trim waistline—it can also restore weakened muscles. However, a tummy tuck is not a silver bullet. It cannot be a substitute for exercise, a healthy diet or weight loss. And though this is a permanent procedure, the results can dim if your weight fluctuates dramatically.

Brow Lift

Over the years, our skin can start to move downward with the pressures of gravity. A brow lift—or forehead lift—can reduce wrinkles, frown lines and sagging eyebrows. The eyes are an impactful part of the face, and expression stems from this area. By lifting the brows, the individual can recapture a piece of their youth. This procedure can also help those who are experiencing hooding of the upper eyelids.

Eyelid Surgery

Windows to the soul, the eyes tell the world a great deal about the person behind the lids and lashes. But if you suffer from loose or sagging skin around your eyes, the impact of those beautiful peepers can be diminished. Eye surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a procedure that improves the appearance of the eyelids. It can be performed on both the upper and lower lids. Sagging skin in this region is more than just a cosmetic problem; it can also be a functional issue. Impaired vision from saggy lids can disrupt life and cause myriad troubles. By ridding yourself of this excess skin, you can not only improve any disturbances to your vision, but also rejuvenate your face. Allow your eyes to be a shining feature of your face by considering the removal of sagging skin.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Women aren’t the only ones who can benefit from cosmetic procedures. Gynecomastia, or a male breast reduction, reduces over-developed or enlarged breasts in men. Flattening this portion of the chest and eliminating sagging breasts can correct an embarassing trouble-spot for many men and boost their confidence.

Hair Transplant

Losing your hair is a terrifying process. People stress over the reasons why, attempt a variety of hairstyles to hide the empty patches of scalp and lose confidence in their appearance. A hair transplant procedure takes small pieces of hair-bearing scalp and transfers them to a balding area. There are several types of surgeries available to correct thinning hair. Consult your physician for details on the best option for you.

Tattoo removal

Though that tribal armband or epic dragon tattoo seemed like an amazing idea at the time, tattoos can become embarrassing over the years. If you are not interested in covering the unwanted imagery with a new tattoo, surgical removal is an option. According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, small tattoos can be removed surgically with a scalpel, allowing the surgeon to be very precise. The size of the tattoo impacts the procedure, so removal by this method is case-by-case.

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