Senior Walk for the Health of It
Medina Public SquareAudience: Adults,Seniors
Cost: Free
Event Type: Health & Wellness
Hosted by: Medina County Clerks Office
The Medina County Clerk of Courts Senior Walk is a free Annual event to promote the health and vitality of seniors. As a charitable entity, any proceeds gained from the walk are donated to senior focused organizations in Medina County.
Schedule Of Events
10:00a.m. Registration, Vendor Showcase, Health Fair, Light Refreshments and Coffee
12:00p.m. Senior Walk Announcements and Kick-Off around Medina Square, Courts, and Parking Garage (Anticipation of 300+ Attendance)
1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m. Vendor Showcase, Health Fair, Snack and Beverages