An Evening with Food & Wine Editor Ray Isle, Author of The World in a Wineglass
Hudson Library 96 Library St., Hudson, Ohio 44236
Discover the secret to choosing more delicious, interesting, and environmentally friendly wines without breaking the bank at a Hudson Library & Historical Society author event on Thursday, February 8 at 6:30 p.m. Executive wine editor for Food & Wine magazine, Ray Isle, will discuss his book The World in a Wineglass during this in-person author event. Booklist opines, “For the one-third of Americans who consume wine regularly, Isle offers helpful direction on how to choose bottles thoughtfully.”
So much of today’s wine is mass-produced, industrially farmed, corporate-owned, and essentially, ordinary. In The World in a Wineglass, veteran wine writer Ray Isle explains that the way a wine is made, and who made it, can make a huge difference when you drink it—and why that information matters much more than knowing it scored 90 points. Or that it tastes like blueberries. Or “hints of violets and black pepper.” Drawing on his deep knowledge and genuine appreciation of winemaking, Isle takes readers on a tour of several hundred independently owned wineries around the world, bringing the local vintners to life and describing the different wines they produce in vivid detail. This accessible guide to finding unusual or undiscovered varieties offers a window into a whole new fascinating world for wine lovers everywhere.
Ray Isle is the longtime executive wine editor for Food & Wine as well as the wine and spirits editor for Travel + Leisure. He writes Food & Wine’s monthly “What to Drink Next” column as well as regular feature articles for Food & Wine and Travel + Leisure’s print issues. His writing has appeared in Departures, Wine & Spirits, Time, The Washington Post, and many other national publications. He has won the IACP award for narrative beverage writing three times, the American Food Journalists award for beverage writing, and the North American Travel Journalists Association gold award, and has been nominated three times for a James Beard Award in beverage writing.
Registration for this program is required. Copies of The World in a Wineglass will be available for purchase and signing courtesy of the Learned Owl Book Shop.