Virtual Presentation: Black Homesteaders on the Great Plains
Akron-Summit County Public Library Green Branch 4046 4046 Massillon Rd, Green, Ohio 44685
Green Branch Library Zoom Presentation
Short description: The call of free land offered Black Americans the possibilities of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on the Great Plains. Register to receive a Zoom link.
Description: The call of free land offered Black Americans the possibilities of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on the Great Plains.
Learn about the struggles that Black homesteaders met in building and sustaining households and communities. Discuss with rangers how these stories impact the Great Plains region today.
For more information on Black Homesteaders:
This program will be presented on Zoom.
You will receive an e-mail with the participation weblink (3) days before the program. Please contact the Library if you are unable to attend.
If you do not have an e-mail address, please contact the Green Branch Library at 330.896.9074 to learn how to participate by phone.
A webcam and microphone may be necessary to participate fully in this interactive event. If you have one or neither of these, your participation may be limited.